A NEW OPPORTUNTITY FOR MINISTRY The School of Ministry is pleased to offer formation for Liturgical Ministers.
This 3 Saturday series is specially for those serving as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, Lector, and Usher. This will be an excellent series for all who are involved in parish Liturgical Ministries, those who aren’t but would like to be.
You will enjoy this series!
Dates/Location: Saturdays—Oct. 21st at St. William’s, Oct. 28 & Nov. 18th at Mission SLO
Time: 9:00 AM—4:00 PM
Cost: $125.00 which includes the cost of four Liturgical Books Presenter: Fr. Peter Bosque, Ph.D.,
Retired Priest of the Diocese of San Diego For more information contact
Program Coordinator, Ann Ventura
at [email protected] or 831-645-2848