Saint Madeline-Sophie Barat As iron is fashioned by fire and on the anvil, so in the fire of suffering and under the weight of trials our souls receive that form which our Lord desires them to have.
Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque The Sacred Heart of Christ is an inexhaustible fountain and its sole desire is to pour itself out into the hearts of the humble so as to free them and prepare them to lead lives according to his good pleasure.
Saint Mary Magdelend de'Pazzi A single instant passed under simple obedience is immeasurably more valuable in the sight of God than an entire day spent in the most sublime contemplation.
Saint Mary Joseph Rossello Good example is the most efficacious apostolate. You must be as lighted lanterns and shine like brilliant chandeliers among men. By your good example and your words, animate others to know and love God.
Saint Maximilian Kolbe The soul is regenerated in the sacred waters of baptism amd thus becomes God's child.
Saint Maximos the Confessor When you are insulted by someone or humiliated, guard against angry thoughts, lest they arouse a feeling of irritation, and so cut you off from love and place you in the realm of hatred.
Saint Miguel of Ecuador The heart is rich when it is content, and it is always content when its desires are fixed on God.
Saint Monica Nothing is far from God.
Saint Nicholas of Myra The giver of every good and perfect gift has called upon us to mimic God's giving, by grace, through faith, and this is not of ourselves.
Saint Norbert Unwittingly you have pursued falsehood thinking it to be the truth. If you had been taught the truth first you would have been found effortlessly tending toward salvation, just as you now effortlessly lean toward perdition.